FreshPackets is a set of 10 OPZ Projects and a few accompanying samples created by musician FormalProcess. Many of these tracks are featured on the latest album "Growth in Adverse Conditions" that is now available on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming services. These feature tracks created over the last 6 months of the 2020 Pandemic - from moody beats, video game inspirations, actual electronic songs, experiments, ambient soundscapes, and beat-backing tracks.
Samples in this pack include a drum-sample set from sounds around the house including a small barking dog, birds chirping, dishwasher running, wind-up toys, mouse clicks and water drips. This also includes some ASM hydrasynth samples for Bass and Arp tracks.
FormalProcess is a moonlighting musician from Columbia, Maryland, USA who normally plays guitar, banjo, bass and ukulele but started playing with TeenageEngineering pocket operators (32, 33, 28) during the early part of the 2020 Pandemic - thanks to inspiration from Griffin McElroy's tutorial on how he creates music for his Adventure Zone podcast. Wanting more, FormalProcess acquired an OPZ in May 2020 and started making more complete tunes and shared those on instagram (@formalProcess). He is a recent member of a local synthesizer group called Electronic Music Production Society.
The title "FreshPackets" is a reference to his day job in cybersecurity staring at fresh network packets. Please contact FormalProcess if you have any questions or want to use these projects/patterns beyond "personal" use.